A1 – Desktop Data Collection (DFA)

Action A1 aims to establish what data about the marine environment exists for Malta’s 25 nautical mile zone through the carrying out a desktop data collection exercise that will enable identification of the areas to be surveyed.

The desktop exercise involves the collection of relevant secondary data from different data sources together with input from the project beneficiaries. The possibility of using remotely acquired images shall also be considered for coastal areas with shallow waters. Moreover a desktop study of threats and pressures shall also be carried out. Threats and pressures as identified from the Marine Strategy Framework Directive Initial Assessment as well as other projects, such as the EU’s FP7 project ‘Monitoring and Evaluation of Spatially Managed Areas’ (MESMA), will be included.

This data will be input into a Geographic Information System (GIS) and a Metadata Catalogue created. Action A1 will also aim to facilitate and oversee collation of full ISO / INSPIRE standard metadata. Compliance with ISO/INSPIRE standards will allow for the information collected to be presented in such a way that it is easily transferred and used by end-users.

The data collected will be analysed and interpreted through the initial phase of action A2.


A1 – Summary Report