A7 – Identification of conservation objectives for each of the designated sites (ERA)

This action involves the formulation of conservation objectives that need to be achieved for each of the proposed Sites of Community Importance (pSCIs) and will take place in parallel with action A6. Conservation objectives are short descriptive statements setting out future target conditions that need to be achieved usually over a five year period for a particular feature or group of features (habitats, species, communities etc). Eventually conservation measures are then set up, however these are not within the scope of the project and will be set after the end of the project.

Conservation objectives will be set for habitats listed in Annex I of the Habitats Directive, including their typical species and communities which contribute to their conservation status. Each of the objectives needs to be achievable and have measurable attributes, which may either be quantitative (e.g. size of population of a particular species) or qualitative (e.g. species composition of a habitat) and are required in order to be used as indicators to assess the success of management of the habitat. Once attributes are identified, site-specific target values will be assigned, reflecting the favourable conservation status of the features. After the targets are established methods of monitoring these targets will be determined.

Stakeholders will be invited to participate in the discussion on setting conservation objectives (through action E4), while action A8 will run in parallel to identify socio-economic impacts of the pSCIs on identified stakeholders and then to identify alternative livelihoods and activities for the impacted stakeholders.


Conservation Objectives for MPAs designated for Habitats