A8 – Identification of diversification of tasks for stakeholders being impacted by the designated sites (DFA)

The aim of this action is to involve the impacted stakeholders in order to adopt a participatory approach to the implementation and management of the newly designated marine proposed Sites of Community Importance (pSCIs). By involving stakeholders and discussing conflicts, the process of managing the designated sites following the project end date will be facilitated. This is sought to be achieved by identifying alternative practices, and where applicable alternative livelihoods. It is foreseen that the main target audience of this action will be stakeholders involved in the fishing industry, tourism, shipping activities and diving.

This action will be supported through action E4 which will focus on the participation of stakeholders throughout the actions dealing with data gathering, identification and designation of pSCIs and the identification of conservation objectives. While action E4 will be more focused on raising awareness about the project, dissemination of information and transfer of knowledge between different stakeholders, action A8 will be focused on the socio-economic impact of designation and hence identifying alternative practices and possibly livelihoods for stakeholders affected by the designated sites.

A livelihood analysis will also be carried out and an activity report documenting this analysis and recommendations on alternative livelihoods will be produced. The action will also aim at creating a guidance document containing guidelines and recommendations of best practice and alternative livelihood options.


Interviews with stakeholders were held in Q1 2018

Poster with examples of best practice –  English version and Maltese version

Livelihood analysis and guidance document