All posts by lifebahar

MT0000114 Żona fil-Baħar fil-Majjistral

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar fil-Majjistral

Site Code: MT0000114

Year of designation: 2016/2018 update

Area [ha]: 5589.76

 Annex II protected species:

Hydrobates pelagicus


The site was identified in the Maltese marine IBA inventory as result of the EU LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project (LIFE10 NAT/MT/090) due to its importance for Hydrobates pelagicus during the breeding season.

MT0000112 Żona fil-Baħar madwar Għawdex

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar madwar Għawdex

Site Code: MT0000112

Year of designation: 2016/2018 update

Area [ha]: 55632.51

 Annex 1 Protected Habitats:

  • 1170  Reefs
  • 8330 Submerged or partially submerged sea caves


 Annex II protected species:

Caretta caretta

Tursiops truncatus


The site was identified in the Maltese marine IBA inventory as result of the Eu LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project (LIFE10NAT/MT/090) due to its importance for Calonectris diomedea, and Puffinus yelkouan during the breeding season.

MT0000111 Żona fil-Baħar fil-Lbiċ

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar fil-Lbiċ

Site Code: MT0000111

Year of designation: 2016/2018 update

Area [ha]: 25595.15 

 Annex II protected species:

Calonectris diomedea

Puffinus yelkouan

Hydrobates pelagicus



The site was identiifed in the Maltese marine IBA inventory as result of the EU LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project (LIFE10 NAT/MT090) due to its importance for Calonectris diomedea, Hydrobates pelagicus and Puffinus yelkouan during the breeding season.

MT0000109 Żona fil-Baħar fix-Xlokk

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar fix-Xlokk

Site Code: MT0000109

Year of designation: 2016/2018 update

Area [ha]: 21915.82 

 Annex II protected species:

Calonectris diomedea



The site was identified in the Maltese marine IBA inventory as result of the EU LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project (LIFE10 NAT/MT/090) due to its importance for Calonectris diomedea during breeding season.

MT0000110 Żona fil-Baħar fin-Nofsinhar

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar fin-Nofsinhar

Site Code: MT0000110

Year of designation: 2016/2018 update

Area [ha]: 83485.96

 Annex II protected species:

Calonectris diomedea

Puffinus yelkouan



The site was identified in the Maltese marine IBA inventory as result of the EU LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project (LIFE10 NAT/MT/090) due to its importance for Calonectris diomedea and Puffinus yelkouan during the breeding season. Note: This site was designated as an SPA and proposed as an SCI in 2016; it was confirmed as an SCI in 2017. This site is now only an SPA, since the SCI area was extended in 2018 and hence given a new site code – MT0000116.

MT0000106 Żona fil-Baħar fit-Tramuntana

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar fit-Tramuntana

Site Code: MT0000106

Year of designation: 2016/2018 update

Area [ha]: 31901.54 

 Annex II protected species:

Calonectris diomedea



The site was identified in the Maltese marine IBA inventory as result of the EU LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project (LIFE10 NAT/MT/090) due to its importance for Calonectris diomedea breeding season. Note: This site was designated as an SPA and proposed as an SCI in 2016; it was confirmed as an SCI in 2017. This site is now only an SPA, since the SCI area was extended in 2018 and hence given a new site code – MT0000115.

MT0000105 Żona fil-Baħar bejn Il-Ponta ta’ San Dimitri (Għawdex) u Il-Qaliet

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar bejn Il-Ponta ta’ San Dimitri (Għawdex) u Il-Qaliet

Site code: MT0000105

Year of designation: 2006/2018 update 

Area [ha]: 15880.04 

Annex 1 Protected Habitats:

  • 1110 Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time
  • 1120 Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • 1170 Reefs
  • 8330 Submerged or partially submerged sea caves


 Annex II protected species:

Gibbula nivosa

Caretta caretta

Tursiops truncatus



This area hosts the largest variety of Posidonia sub-types when considering the marine sites selected to form part of the Natura 2000 Network, with the representativity of each being considered superior. Reefs have also been identified within this site, occurring on hard beds and rocks. This site was proposed as an SCI in 2010, confirmed as an SCI in 2012 and was then extended in 2018.

MT0000104 Żona fil-Baħar bejn Il-Ponta tal-Ħotba u Tal-Fessej (Għawdex)

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Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar bejn Il-Ponta tal-Ħotba u Tal-Fessej (Għawdex)

Site Code: MT0000104

Year of designation: 2012/2018 update 

Area [ha]: 168.84

Annex 1 Protected Habitats:

  • 1110 Sandbanks which are slightly covered by sea water all the time
  • 1120 Posidonia beds (Posidonion oceanicae)
  • 1170 Reefs
  • 8330 Submerged or partially submerged sea caves


The Posidonia meadows present within this site comprise small patches with average shoot densities. Regarding reefs, the biotopes present in the inlet and beyond its mouth are typical of ones found along the south-western coast of the Maltese Islands. Sand banks are also present at this site. In fact, vegetation belonging to the Cymodoceion nodosae

is present in several places inside the inlet present at this site, where it mainly forms monospecific stands.

Regarding caves, assemblages of sciaphilic algae present on hard substrata at the mouth and entrance of caves are characterised by species such as the chlorophytes Palmophyllum crassum, Cladophora prolifera and Flabellia petiolata, and sciaphilic brown algae such as Halopteris filicina and Zonaria tourneforti. The most common type of flora found are red algae (Rhodophyta), such as Lithophyllum incrustans and Peysonnelia squamarina. This site was proposed as an SCI in 2010, confirmed as an SCI in 2012 and was then extended in 2018.

Declaration of new Marine Protected Areas marks the LIFE BaĦAR Closing Event

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The LIFE BaĦAR for N2K Closing Event was held at Villa Bighi, Kalkara on the 5th June 2018, and was attended by the Minister for the Environment, Sustainable Development and Climate Change José Herrera, the project team members from ERA, MESDC, MESDC-DFA, University of Malta and Oceana, as well as various stakeholders.

The Hon. Dr José Herrera visited the LIFE BaĦAR exhibition at Esplora and then proceeded to launch the closing event by announcing that Malta has increasing the protected marine areas from 3,487 km2 to 4,138 km2, reaching over 35% of the Maltese waters through the designation of an additional eight Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) for Malta. These additional areas have been designated through the LIFE BaHAR project and are being afforded protection owing to the presence of important seabed habitats, specifically reefs and caves, in both coastal and deep waters.

Three new inshore sites are an extension to the area covered by existing coastal MPAs and now these include a variety of coastal cave and reef habitats. Apart from this, the LIFE BaĦAR for N2K project extended three offshore sites which had been previously designated as MPAs and which are important for the loggerhead turtle and the bottlenose dolphin. The project also led to the designation of two completely new areas. These include offshore reefs hosting extensive and diverse communities of cold-water corals and of gorgonians and many species of conservation interest.

Following introductory speeches by Ms Margaret Cassar, Director MESDC-PDPID, and Perit Michelle Piccinino, Director Environment and Resources, ERA, a video on Malta’s Marine Protected Areas was shown, showcasing the findings and results of the project.

This was followed by presentations given by the LIFE BaĦAR project team, providing more information on the work done throughout the project and the results achieved.

Project manager Ms Christina Mallia (ERA) introduced the project objectives, aims and actions.

Mr Ricardo Aguilar, Research and Expeditions Director for Oceana Europe, presented the survey methodology employed to carry out the expeditions and collect new data.

Dr Leyla Knittweis-Mifsud, from the University of Malta’s Department of Biology, presented the findings of the surveys and the overall interpretation of the data including the recommendations on sites hosting areas of conservation potential.

Mr Christopher Cousin, Nature Team Manager (ERA), provided an overview of the designation and management process, including the sites that  have been proposed for protection through the  LIFE BaĦAR project and subsequently approved by Cabinet.

Mr Michael Saliba (MESDC-DFA) provided an overview of the interviews held with stakeholders and recommendations for best practice; a poster developed to promote such practices was exhibited during the event.

Mr Darrin Stevens, ERA Deputy Director, closed the event by thanking all who have worked to make the project a success (which numbered over 100) and made reference to ERA’s ongoing consultation exercise with stakeholders which will lead to the development of management measures for all the MPAs.

The event closed with a reception and networking event. Apart from the project team and other participants from ERA. MESDC and DFA, stakeholders who attended the event include representatives from Transport Malta, Police Department (ALE), Malta Marittima, FUAM, Atlam Sub Aqua, BirdLife Malta, Sharklab- Malta, Federation of Amateur Fishing Association, Marsaxlokk Artisinal Fishers, and ‘Għaqda Baħħara, Sajjieda u Dilettanti Wied il-Għajn.

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