Procurement Calls

ERA has issued a call for quotations for the creation of four (4) short video recordings (info-slots) of approximately two (2) minutes each. These info-slots are part of the public…

Service Tender for Research and Preparation of a Livelihood Analysis – Part of the Life12 NAT/MT000845: LIFE+ Benthic Habitat Research for Marine Natura 2000 Site Designation Project The Ministry for…

ERA has issued a Call for Quotations to identify bidders interested in providing independent financial auditing services for the ‘LIFE BaĦAR for N2K’ project. This is aimed to verify and certify that the project’s statement…

The Environment & Resources Authority is seeking to employ an Assistant Officer to join the LIFE BaĦAR team and assist in the project management of LIFE BaĦAR for N2K Project….

The tender has been issued as part of the studies and surveys being carried out through the Life BaĦAR for N2K project. The overall objective of this tender is to…

This tender has been issued in relation to the public awareness activities of the Project. The note calendar will serve to promote the project, LIFE+ funding and the Natura 2000…

This tender has been issued in relation to the public awareness activities of the Project. The scope of the outdoor travelling photographic exhibition is to increase the public’s appreciation for…

The tender has been issued as part of the studies and surveys being carried out through the Life BaĦAR for N2K project. The overall objective of this tender is to…