MT0000117 Żona fil-Baħar fl-inħawi tal-Punent tal-Graben ta’ Malta

Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar fl-inħawi tal-Punent tal-Graben ta’ Malta

Site Code: MT0000117

Year of designation: 2018 

Area [ha]: 20127.74

Annex 1 Protected Habitats:

  • 1170 Reefs



Reef assemblages present are characterised by a variety of sessile cnidarians and sponges. The most abundant habitat-forming species are sponges, particularly Hexadella dedritifera, together with cnidarians such as the scleractinian (stony coral) Madrepora oculata, and the alcyonacean Callogorgia verticillata. A high density of the critically endangered bamboo coral Isidella elongata is found to be associated with reef habitats in this area.