MT0000112 Żona fil-Baħar madwar Għawdex
Name of Site: Żona fil-Baħar madwar Għawdex
Site Code: MT0000112
Year of designation: 2016/2018 update
Area [ha]: 55632.51
Annex 1 Protected Habitats:
- 1170 Reefs
- 8330 Submerged or partially submerged sea caves
Annex II protected species:
Caretta caretta
Tursiops truncatus
The site was identified in the Maltese marine IBA inventory as result of the Eu LIFE+ Malta Seabird Project (LIFE10NAT/MT/090) due to its importance for Calonectris diomedea, and Puffinus yelkouan during the breeding season.