All posts by lifebahar

Issue of Service Tender for the Coordination, Promotion and Setting up of a Photographic Exhibition

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This tender has been issued in relation to the public awareness activities of the Project. The scope of the outdoor travelling photographic exhibition is to increase the public’s appreciation for the marine environment which is essential for public participation in the promotion, conservation and management of marine habitats. The exhibition will take place in summer 2015/2016 in six different localities in Malta and Gozo.


Update: This tender is now closed and has been awarded to Zaffarese Signs and Display Ltd.

Service Tender for High Resolution Seafloor Mapping and Bottom Characterization in Maltese Waters (CT 3197/2014)

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The tender has been issued as part of the studies and surveys being carried out through the Life BaĦAR for N2K project. The overall objective of this tender is to deliver high resolution seafloor mapping and bottom characterization in Maltese waters through multibeam echosounder surveys and sediment sampling and analysis. The surveys will take place in 13 case study areas covering a total area of approximately 200,000 ha, up to 25 nautical miles and at depth ranging between 0 and 1000 meters.

View Tender Details

Closing Date: 12th May 2015

Update: Tender cancelled in October 2015

Photographic Competition

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MEPA, in collaboration with the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP), launched the competition ‘Our Sea – Our Identity’ on the 27th October 2014 as part of the awareness raising campaign of the Life BaĦAR for N2K project. The competition was open to all residents of Malta and Gozo and sought outstanding images depicting the interaction of people in the Maltese archipelago with their marine surroundings, and images of marine habitats and species native to the Mediterranean. Selected photos from the competition will be included in an outdoor street photographic exhibition that will be held in the summers of 2015 and 2016. The entries were judged by an independent expert panel of judges selected by the MIPP and MEPA.

The judging of the photographs was held on the 30th January 2015 and the three winning entries selected by the panel were ‘Diving’ by Joe Formosa, ‘San Blas’ by Phil Pryce and ‘Open Water’ by Sonia Silvio.

Photographic Competition – Our Sea, Our Identity

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A photographic Competition and Exhibition is being organised by the Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) in collaboration with the Malta Institute of Professional Photography (MIPP).

The theme of the photographic competition is ‘Our Sea – Our Identity’.

The organizers are looking for outstanding images that depict the interaction of people in the Maltese archipelago with their marine surroundings. Suitable subjects may include divers, ferry crossings, boats, marine habitats and species native to the Mediterranean, seascapes, fishermen, bathers, beaches, etc.

20 photos will be selected and each printed on A0 display material. These will then be exhibited on panels in an outdoor street photographic exhibition that will be set up in a number of different localities around Malta and Gozo over the summer in 2015 and 2016.

12 photographs may be selected to feature in a calendar promoting the Life BaĦAR project.

Printing, mounting and the setting up of the exhibitions are the responsibility of MEPA, and the entrant does not incur any costs.

Entries are to be handed in to MEPA Communications Office, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana, between 8.00 a.m. and 4.00 p.m., (weekdays only) up to and including the 12 December 2014.

Download application here

Our Sea Our Identity-01 Our Sea Our Identity-02

F3 – Networking with other projects (ERA)

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Networking between projects having a similar goal (habitat mapping and designation of marine SCI at the Mediterranean and EU level) or a similar geographical focus (Maltese waters) is very important for the success of this project. Networking will be carried out through email, telephone, meetings and attendance of conferences and workshops where the LIFE BaĦAR for N2K will be presented and discussed.


Networking with relevant local and foreign projects

  • Meetings held with Life+ Malta Seabird Project and LIFE Migrate Project (February 2015, October 2015, April 2016) to discuss progress and areas proposed for designation under said projects.
  • Participation at LIFE+ Malta Seabird workshop (November 2015), LIFE Migrate closing conference (April 2016) and LIFE+ Malta Seabird closing conference (June 2016).
  • 7th April 2016  Presence at a meeting between ERA, Wild Birds Regulation Unit, MSDEC and BirdLife Malta


Conference and Event Participation

  • Participation at the LIFE Kick Off Meeting held in Copenhagen, Denmark,  giving an introduction on the project (23 October 2013) – ERA
  • Participation at the Life Platform Meeting in Madrid, Spain, to contribute to the discussions relating to the Biogeographic Seminar held in St Malo during May 2015 (26 – 27th March 2015) – ERA
  • Delivery of a presentation entitled ‘The deep sea around Malta: a biodiversity hotspot?’ at the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation/ AgenceFrançaise des Aires Marines Protégées (AFAMP) meeting on ‘Mediterranean Deep-Sea Ecosystems’ on, which was held in Marseille, France (9 -10th September 2015) – UoM-DoB
  • Presentation of two posters at the 41st Congress of the Mediterranean Science Commission (CIESM), held in Kiel, Germany (12 – 16 September 2016) – UoM-DoB
    CIESM 2016  –  Biodiversity Hotspot Poster
    CIESM 2016  – Red Coral Poster
  • Presentation of a poster on Maltese sandbanks at the thirteenth International MEDCOAST Congress on Coastal and Marine Sciences, Engineering, Management and Conservation, At Malta, 31 October – 4 November 2017 – UoM-DoB
  • Participation by ERA at the workshop on ‘Marine Protected Areas: Initiatives and Opportunities’ organised by IUCN and ERA on 31st May 2017,  the training workshop of the Interreg Med project MPA-Adapt “Guiding Mediterranean MPAs through the climate change era: Building resilience and adaptation” in Corsica between 13 and 15 June 2017, and the knowledge event “Bridging the Science-Practice-Policy Gap in the Mediterranean Biodiversity Protection”  organised by PANACeA in Barcelona between the 23 – 25th October 2017.

First Stakeholder Seminar

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The first stakeholder seminar was held on the 8th May 2014 at the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture (DFA) in Għammieri.

Ms Roberta Mifsud – Senior Fisheries Resource Manager within DFA, gave an overview of the aims of the seminar emphasising the importance of stakeholder participation.

Mr Alan Borg, from MEPA’s International Projects Team, mentioned other important projects related to the LIFE+ Funding Program and gave an overview of the financial aspect of the project.

Ms Raffaella Zammit – MEPA Environment Protection Officer, gave a general description of the aims and objectives of the project and of the various project actions.

Ms Marie Louise Pace – Manager (Research Projects) within DFA, gave a detailed overview of Action A1, which action is being led by the Department of Fisheries and Aquaculture. Action A1 involves the collection of existing data which will be used to identify areas to be surveyed.

A discussion was subsequently held on potential sources of data and data providers, as well as the type of data that could be obtained and how this could be collected and mapped.


Official Project Launch

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The launch of the LIFE BaĦAR for N2K project was held at the Grand Hotel Excelsior on the 28th April 2014. Malta Environment and Planning Authority (MEPA) Chairman Perit Vincent Cassar delivered the introductory speech.

The Hon. Leo Brincat – Minister for Sustainable Development, the Environment and Climate Change, delivered a speech, focusing on the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan, Malta’s achievements with regards to the designation of protected areas and the challenges faced in terms of biodiversity protection and conservation.

The Hon. Dr Michael Falzon – Parliamentary Secretary for Planning and Simplification of Administrative Processes, highlighted the need for management planning of protected areas, and the importance of coordination between the different stakeholders.

The Hon. Roderick Galdes – Parliamentary Secretary for Agriculture, Fisheries and Animal Rights, welcomed the involvement of the local fishers (amongst other stakeholders) in the process of extending the existing Sites of Community Importance, as this approach will facilitate future management.

Dr Joseph A. Borg – Head of the Department of Biology within the University of Malta, gave a speech highlighting the research carried out by the Department in the field of marine biology.

Mr Ricardo Aguilar – Research Director for  Fundación Oceana, provided an overview of Oceana’s involvement in the project and of past campaigns carried out by Oceana in the field of marine conservation.

Ms Raffaella Zammit – Environment Protection Officer within MEPA’s Site Designation and Management Team, delivered a technical presentation about the project, its main goals and the project partners.